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公共英语三级作文 公共英语三级写作

2021-03-07 02:42


  A survey conducted in Tianjin found that 98% of high school students and 92% of elementary school students have to spend most of their weekends doing homework.

  Write an essay of about 120 words. You may include the following points:

  1. Discuss the negative effects of too much homework on children.

  2. Discuss the disadvantages of the present exam-oriented education system.

  3. Call for efforts to ease students" burden and help them lead a colorful and enjoyable life.


  Too much homework has become a common complaint in high schools and elementary schools. Students have to spend most of their time doing homework, even on weekends. As a result, they have no time for their hobbies, or for their parents or friends. All they do is what they have to do, not what they like to do.

  The underlying cause for this phenomenon lies in the present exam-oriented education system. National College Entrance Examination has become the sole focus of teachers, parents, and students themselves. High score becomes the ultimate goal, to the neglect of practical abilities, personality development, and all that.

  It is urgent that we deepen our educational reform. We must allow for students" overall development, not just evaluate their test scores.


  . company is recruiting new employees. Write a letter applying for a position as an assistant accountant. In your letter, please include the following information:

  1. the position you apply for;

  2. your work experience;

  3. the reason for your leaving the present company;

  4. the treatment you expect to get from the new company.

  You should write no less than 120 words. Do not sign your name at the end of your letter. Use "Wang Lin" instead. You do not need to write the address.


  Dear sir:

  I wish to apply for a position with your company as an assistant accountant. I am twenty-six years old and at present employed by the Island Company, where I have been for the past two years. Formerly I was employed by Global Export Co., where it was nearly three years.

  My only reason for leaving either of these positions would be to better myself and I feel there is no future opportunity in my present position. I wish to serve in a large company like yours, to provide me with ample opportunities to learn new things.

  I can give you references from both these firms as to my character and ability as an accountant. My present salary

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延政勋韩佳人离婚 延正勋韩佳人离婚?揭内幕
据韩国媒体报道,在韩国演艺圈一直被认为是金童玉女的韩佳人与延正勋近日被传离婚,在韩国娱乐圈引起轩然大波。据悉,延正勋与韩佳人是在2003年KBS电视剧《黄手帕》中饰演情侣并擦出爱的火花。2005年4月26日,两人在首尔希尔顿酒店举办了婚礼,新郎延正勋当时满面笑容地表示:"希望50年后还能举办一次这样的结婚典礼!" 如今曾经幸福的童话伴侣被曝离婚,令人震惊不已。4日下午举行的MBC新周末剧《金子轻松13在看 07-07
